Earth4Energy is a 73 pages e-Book (electronic book) created by Michael Harvey. The Earth4Energy Manual is a step-by-step, do it yourself guide on how to build your own solar or wind power generator in your home. The manual outlined how its reader (or anyone for that matter) can convert his/her home into a solar powered energy producer.
The chapters in earth4energy, is based on already established technologies of producing electricity from solar panel and wind mills, covers the step by step technique to make solar panel and to make windmill respectively.
The manual is layed out with illustrations, video instructions, and graphs to help guide the reader. It is written for beginners and people that have no technical skills.
According to Michael, he claims he can show his readers how to setup their own renewable energy system at home for less than $250, and able to cut the power bill by up to 80% using solar power and wind energy units that the reader can build on their own.
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The chapters in earth4energy, is based on already established technologies of producing electricity from solar panel and wind mills, covers the step by step technique to make solar panel and to make windmill respectively.
The manual is layed out with illustrations, video instructions, and graphs to help guide the reader. It is written for beginners and people that have no technical skills.
According to Michael, he claims he can show his readers how to setup their own renewable energy system at home for less than $250, and able to cut the power bill by up to 80% using solar power and wind energy units that the reader can build on their own.
Actual Customer's Feedbacks:
"I'm going to buy one soon. My neighbor has one and he said that his energy bill has been cut by several hundred dollars."
Actual user feedback taken from
"...They tell you how to build a usable system using pre-built solar panels - the whole set up costs around $200 in parts - labor, assuming you are doing it yourself is free!"
Portion of actual user feedback taken from
"...the guide itself is very clear that you will need multiple wind generators and/or solar panels to start cutting your electricity bill significantly. More realistic expectations would be that Earth4Energy can help you get started with renewable energy for your home for an initial investment of less than $200 or that Earth4Energy can help you reduce your electricity bill by 80% (after building a whole network of wind generators, solar panels, etc. usually gets left unsaid)."
Portion of actual user feedback take from
Company Information: Michael Harvey is the author and the creator of Earth4Energy. He have been involved with renewable energy for over 15 years. The last 6 years he has been taking energy creation seriously.
Company Website:
Product Specification: Earth4Energy 73-pages Manual, Earth4Energy Video Instructions, Earth4Energy Membership Area, VIP 12 hour email response time, and Lifetime Updates.
Price: $49.97
Return Policy: 8-Weeks Money Back Guarantee